One of the most important aspects of the treatment process is rehabilitation. Veterinary Physiotherapists are experienced in the field of rehabilitation. We are able to treat your animal and provide and demonstrate rehabilitation exercises for you to carry out at home.
The aim of rehabilitation is to achieve a complete functional sport specific outcome for the horse. As an equine physiotherapist my role is to apply treatment techniques and implement management strategies, based on the knowledge and understanding of applied equine biomechanics and specific musculoskeletal injuries, to aid the recovery of your horse.
As an REVN and equine physiotherapist employed in veterinary practice I work with many orthopaedic cases both acute and chronic, providing both treatment and on-going management to aid the horses return to full function.
To successfully rehabilitate our horses it is important to first take in to account what we would like to achieve from the rehabilitation process. The goals of rehabilitating any horse should be:
To restore function
To re-gain strength in the injured area
Keeping the horse comfortable musculo-skeletally throughout the rehabilitation process
Improving or restoring proprioception
Getting the horse back up to full fitness without aggravating any previous injury/problem and without further injury.